August 25th, 2023
On August 25th, 2023, the Gananoque Police Service received information from the Gananoque
Probation and Parole Office of a 30-year-old female from Gananoque who failed to pay restitution – a
condition of her probation – after being provided ample time for payment. As a result, the female was
charged with Fail to Comply with Probation Order and served a summons at the request of Probation.
August 25th, 2023
On August 25th, 2023, the Gananoque Police Service received information from the Gananoque
Probation and Parole Office of a 29-year-old male from Gananoque who had breached his probation
conditions. An arrest warrant was issued and on September 16th, 2023 the male was located and
arrested. He was charged with Fail to Comply with Probation and held for a bail hearing.
August 28th, 2023
On August 28th, 2023, officers responded to a disturbance at a King Street East business. As a result
of evidence obtained by police, a 49-year-old female from Kingston was arrested and charged with
Mischief Under $5000 and Assault. She was released on an Appearance Notice to appear in court a t
a later date.
September 2nd, 2023
On September 2nd, 2023 at approximately 8:30pm, the Gananoque Police Service responded to a
report of an assault near the waterfront in the South Ward. Police arrived and spoke to the victim,
who reported a male assaulted him by punching him in the head, but fled when police were called.
The male is described a Caucasian, 6’0”, medium build, 35 to 38-years-old, and he was
accompanied by a female described as 5’8”, in her early 30’s with long dark hair. Anyone with
information about the suspects can contact the station at 613-382-4422 or Crimestoppers at 1-800-
222-TIPS (8477).
September 5th, 2023
On September 5th, 2023, the Gananoque Police Service received a report from a local Bail
Supervision Program of a male who had breached his bail conditions. An arrest warrant was
obtained, which was executed on September 21st, 2023. The 29-year-old male from Gananoque was
charged with one count of Failure to Comply with Release Order, and held in custody for a bail
September 7th, 2023
On September 7th, 2023, officers while on patrol conducted a traffic stop in the area of King St and
Stone St. Information on the driver and passenger revealed that both occupants were suspended
drivers. The 45-year-old male from Brockville was arrested and charged with Driving while under
Suspension, and Possession of a Schedule I Substance – Methamphetamine. He was released on
an Undertaking with Conditions, to be seen in court at a later date.
September 15th, 2023
On September 15th, 2023, the Gananoque Police Service received information from the Gananoque
Probation and Parole Office of a 30-year-old female from Gananoque who had breached her
conditions numerous times after being provided several opportunities to report as required. As a
result, the female was charged with Fail to Comply with Probation Order and served a summons at
the request of Probation.
September 19th, 2023
On September 19th, 2023, Police, Fire and EMS responded to a 9-1-1 call reporting a pedestrian
struck by a vehicle that had since fled. It was reported that an unplated silver or grey Mazda 3 with a
black fuel cover, and black bumper had attended a local gas station where a Caucasian male
wearing: red shoes, tri-coloured shorts, a lime green construction shirt, red hat, sunglasses and a
medical mask was observed pumping gas into the vehicle and a jerry can without paying. When staff
attempted to speak with the male, he took off at a high rate of speed, dragging the staff member a
short length before heading westbound on the 401 Highway.
Anyone with information about the suspect or suspect vehicle can contact the station at 613-382-
4422 or Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).
September 20th, 2023
On September 20th, 2023, officers received a report of a stolen vehicle, taken in the early morning
hours from a residence. As a result of the officer’s investigation, a suspect was identified and a
warrant was issued. On October 4th, 2023 the youth suspect turned themselves in to police, and was
held for a bail hearing. The suspect was charged with Failure to Comply with Release Order,
Operation while Prohibited under the Criminal Code, and Possession of Property Obtained by Crime
Under $5000. The vehicle was located and returned to its rightful owner.
September 22nd, 2023
On September 22nd, 2023, officers responded in the early morning hours to a report of a male
breaching his release conditions by being in contact with a person whom he was not to communicate
with. The officers located the suspect’s vehicle with both parties inside. As a result, a 45-year-old
male from Mallorytown was arrested and charged with two counts of Failure to Comply with Release
Order. He was given an Undertaking with Conditions, and then turned over to the custody of the OPP
due to an outstanding warrant.
October 8th, 2023
On October 8th, 2023, officers on patrol observed a male walking on King Street East with open
alcohol. Officers spoke to the male and cautioned him for public intoxication and open alcohol in a
public place. The 25-year-old male from Gananoque agreed to return home. Later while on patrol the
male was observed again with open alcohol, when speaking to him, the male became confrontational
and belligerent. He was arrested and held until sober, and provided two Provincial Offence Notices
for Being Intoxicated in Public Place, and Having Liquor in Open Container in Unauthorized Place.