Police Services Board

The Gananoque Police Services Board is the civilian body governing the Gananoque Police Service. The Board is responsible for the provision of adequate and effective police services in the municipality. The Board will generally determine, after consultation with the Chief of Police, objectives and priorities for the Police Service. The Board is responsible for the police budget, oversees the actions of the Chief of Police and is the employer for the Police Service. Section 31 of the Police Services Act (1997) sets out the authority of a Police Services Board. 

All municipal police services have a Police Services Board. The Gananoque Police Services Board is composed of five members: two Council Appointees, two Provincial Appointees and one Municipal Appointee.

Police Services Board Members

The Board meets monthly at the Gananoque Emergency Services building Board Room. The board conducts most of its business during the open business portion of the meeting and the public is welcome to attend. An In-Camera meeting is held before the open agenda is dealt with. The Board is eager to be open and maintain communication with the public. 

Anyone interested in making a presentation to the Board should phone to make an appointment with Rhonda Robeson, Secretary to the Board, at 613-382-4509, ext 2224.

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